Trust your gut! The 90% rule for business and personal success

In the world of business, decision-making is an everyday affair. From minor choices to major strategic moves, the path you choose can significantly impact your company’s future. While data, analytics, and expert opinions are valuable, there is an often-overlooked tool that can guide you through these decisions: your gut instinct.

The Power of Instinct

Gut instincts are those intuitive feelings or hunches that arise without conscious reasoning. They are the product of your subconscious mind, drawing on your experiences, knowledge, and observations. Many successful business leaders attribute their achievements to trusting their gut feelings. Why? Because your instincts can often perceive nuances and patterns that your conscious mind might miss.

The 90% Rule

Here at Eagle National Insurance Group, we advocate for the 90% rule: trust your gut 90% of the time. This approach has been a cornerstone of our success and can be for you too. Here’s why:

  1. Speed and Efficiency: In fast-paced environments, overanalyzing can lead to missed opportunities. Your gut instinct allows you to make quick decisions without getting bogged down by excessive data.
  2. Experience-Based Insights: Your instincts are honed by your professional experiences. They integrate past lessons and outcomes, enabling you to make informed decisions even when the specifics of a situation are unfamiliar.
  3. Adaptability: The business landscape is constantly changing. Trusting your gut helps you stay adaptable and responsive, allowing you to pivot quickly when necessary.

The Risk of Ignoring Your Instincts

On the flip side, the 10% of times you choose to ignore your gut feelings can be risky. Here’s how it can backfire:

  1. Over-Reliance on Data: Data is crucial, but it doesn’t always capture the full picture. Solely relying on analytics can lead to decisions that lack the human touch and miss critical contextual factors.
  2. Paralysis by Analysis: Overthinking can result in decision paralysis, where you are unable to make any move at all. This indecisiveness can cause missed opportunities and stagnation.
  3. Regret and Missed Opportunities: Ignoring your gut can lead to regrets, especially when your instincts turn out to have been correct. This can erode your confidence in future decision-making.

Finding the Balance

While trusting your gut is essential, it’s equally important to balance it with logic and data. Here’s how to strike that balance:

  1. Validate with Data: Use data to validate your instincts. If your gut feeling aligns with the data, it’s a strong indicator that you’re on the right track.
  2. Consult Experts: When faced with complex decisions, consulting with experts can provide additional perspectives that complement your instincts.
  3. Reflect and Learn: Continuously reflect on your decisions and their outcomes. This reflection helps fine-tune your instincts, making them even more reliable over time.

Personal Life Application

The 90% rule isn’t just for business—it’s a solid guideline for personal life as well. Here’s how trusting your gut can enhance your personal decisions:

  1. Relationship Choices: Whether it’s friendships or romantic relationships, your gut often tells you who is right for you. Trusting these feelings can lead to more fulfilling and healthier relationships.
  2. Life Changes: Major life decisions, like moving to a new city or changing careers, can be daunting. Your gut instinct can guide you towards choices that align with your true desires and long-term happiness.
  3. Daily Decisions: From choosing hobbies to deciding how to spend your free time, trusting your gut can lead to more enjoyable and meaningful experiences. It helps you stay true to yourself and your passions.


In both business and personal life, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to decision-making. However, trusting your gut 90% of the time can provide you with a powerful tool for navigating the complexities of both worlds. Remember, your instincts are a product of your experiences and insights—don’t underestimate their value. By balancing intuition with data and expert advice, you can make well-rounded decisions that drive your business forward and enrich your personal life.

At Eagle National Insurance Group, we have seen firsthand the benefits of trusting our gut instincts. Whether you’re making business decisions or personal choices, learning to trust your instincts can be a game-changer. Trust your gut, make informed decisions, and watch both your professional and personal life thrive.

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